4Q - Video Party

Video party we had last night
Chainsaw Massacre gave me a fright
Blood 'n' guts 'n' overkill
Too late punk write your will

Scream and jump as the blood goes pump
The sight on the screen will make you scream ha-ha-haaar

We got pissed to start the adrenalin gushing
The speed Paul got really had us rushing
Wayne was so smashed that he went home
He was back ten minutes later cos he was alone

What was that noise behind my chair?
I got up to see just what was there
Too shit-scared to have a look
The baby's dead he's got no head I think I'm gonna puke

Crud had a bird so he went to bed
She was vampire's bride but she gave good head
We all crashed out at around about two
Then the video nasties come 4Q (for you)